Please allow at least 48 hours notice for all cancellations, changes to the appointment or reschedule of appointment. A cancellation fee of 50 % of the scheduled appointment will be charged if you cancel, make changes to the appointment or reschedule within the 48 hour window. A cancellation fee of 100% of the scheduled appointment will be charged if the appointment is no showed.  Fee will be charged to the card held on file. 

In order to receive the best possible service, please arrive 15 minutes early. For arrivals 15 minutes or later than the scheduled appointment may result in an automatic cancellation of the service and will be charged for 100% of the booked service. 

For all color services please arrive with clean dry hair to get maximum results. In the event you arrive with unclean or dried hair additional fees may apply.  

We love your minis and guests, but we ask that you do not bring them to your appointment for their safety and crowding purposes. Please schedule your appointment for when you are able to come in alone, or you will respectfully be asked to reschedule.  

Root’d Hair studio has the right to refuse service to any guests at any time.